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Our Christmas Swap is taking a break for 2019

but will be back again in 2020.

The 2018 swap is underway!  Please read this page for all the details you need to be able to join in 

print this PDF for all the  labels you need

print this PDF if you need extra decoration labels

The basic idea
Make a handmade Christmas Decoration, send it to us, we'll work our swap magic and send you a different handmade Christmas Decoration in return.
The rules (there are only a few)
1.  you can send up to 10 decorations (each one MUST be different) 
2. each decoration MUST be made by you (the sender-inner)
3. any method of craft can be used in the making BUT the majority of your decoration MUST be based around felt/fabric/glitter/wool (sewing & haberdashery crafts)
4. you MUST use the labels supplied (if you can't print then please open the PDFs and copy them as best you can - it's more important that we get the correct info than what they look like) 
5. the DEADLINE to get them to us is NOVEMBER 30th 2018 
6. to clarify: you pay to post them to us - we pay to send the swaps back to you (worldwide)
7.  all swaps received will be posted into a facebook album AND an Instagram Story ... I will do my upmost to tag you but please feel free to link to your page/shops on your swap picture(s) 
Step by step Picture instructions:

make a decoration

attach a swap label

write your own address label

put your decoration(s) and address label in an envelope

post the parcel to us using our address label and correct stamps

wait whilst we do the swaps

pounce on the postman when you see your returned swap parcel

fall in love with your swaps & hang them on your tree 

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© 2024 paper-and-string ltd 

(registered in England & Wales 08438095)

The Old Barn, Cogden Farm, Burton Bradstock, Dorset, DT6 4RN

01308 898239

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